Let's get ready for the new year! Hopefully, the new year will bring new opportunities, achievements, and connections. You'll want to be ready when they show up.
This is the time of year in which we celebrate and enjoy the season with our friends and family. While this can be a fun time, don't forget to take some time to get things in order for your new season. It's the idea of "out with the old, in with the new".
I personally plan to take a couple of days during the holiday season to organize my home office and my business. I like to start out fresh. For ideas on how to prepare your business for the new year, check out this article: Prepare Your Business for the New Year.
Here are some tips from Valencia Griffin-Wallace, Founder of Life by Design and Co-Author of the book, Transition: Create the Life You Desire:
- De -clutter- Combine notes and files into proper categories. Decide what is outdated and needs to be trashed or shredded.
- Create a filing system if you don't have one. - Create a two-box system, with boxes labeled "ASAP" and "File" for the things that need to be addressed immediately and things that have already been handled.
- Create folders or containers for your "go to" information.- Such as client information, business information, etc. This helps to make things easily accessible.
- Create a motivational wall- Post a vision board, affirmations, or anything else that helps to keep you motivated during tough times.
- Have a space where you keep blank planners and a calendar handy.- You can easily access them and fill them in on a daily basis.
Here are some bonus tips from me:
- Look for storage containers and other office supplies and containers at your local thrift stores
- Consider giving the office a new coat of paint to refresh or update the look.
This is a great time of year to assess, organize, and reorganize. Take some time to clean up your act and get in position for the newness that is headed your way. You'll be glad you did.
I'm looking forward to your success!
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